How much can a friend of yours influence you?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Effects of Peer Pressure

When they are lonely or in trouble, people always need helps. They need them from family, relatives and sometimes from friends as well. Most people believe and rely heavily on their friends. But are all friends always reachable when you need them? And do they always help us to get away from problems or they just give us problems? Making friends is very import for people since they cannot live alone on this earth planet while other people have their own companions. However, friends do not always give positive outcomes to us, meaning that they can affect us both positively and negatively.

            One positive side of having friends is that they can help us study more effectively. Sometime, we may get stuck with some points of the assignments or homework assigned by the teachers, but with friends, we can discuss and exchange ideas about those problems and solve them together. Another importance is the inner force. People may easily become stressful because of the challenges from their environment and get tired of keeping up their work. In this case, friends also can help. They can give some good advice to solve the problems and suggest new ideas so that we can move on through those hard-pressed circumstances we meet.

            Friends can also give comfort when we are emotionally weak and lonely. They can make us happy by talking and sharing feelings. For example, if we are away from our family, we have no one to talk to and we may miss everyone at home. If we have friends, we can relieve our homesick burden by talking with them about various things and we will feel better.
            Despite having good effects, some friends may negatively cause problems as well if we blindly follow them. Some people make friends by focusing on the advantages only and they may cheat us at any time they can in order to fulfill their needs. Some friends can distract us from study and incite us to quit classes. Some may demand us to spend as much time as we can in order to hang out with them, and if we reject, they may make problem by asking for finishing the relationship. This can give us more stress and pressure; in this case, we must balance and must not blindly follow them. We do need friends, but not those negative ones.

            Friends can affect us negatively and positively. We need friends because we cannot live alone, but before deciding to make friends with anyone, we must think over whether to be their real friends or just their acquaintances. True friends help improve each other, but the fake ones do not; therefore, we should be good friends rather than the bad ones in order to prosper together.

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