New Year In Cambodia

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Khmer New Year

Among those in Asia, Cambodia is a country which has its own tradition since ancient time. Due to this fact, Cambodia has many traditional ceremonies to be annually celebrated. One of the most prestigious one is the New Year Ceremony. Khmer New Year ceremony is divided into three days and normally started on 13th or 14th of April every year. During this occasion, Cambodian people have a lot of fun and also many things to prepare and do.
            During a few days before ceremony, people actively respectively prepare their houses. Some clean the yard and the house by making sure that there is no rubbish in the yard and no spider net or any kinds of unpleasant looking things to be seen in the house. They decorate prepare their altar of their house using candles, incenses and such ornaments as flowers, balloons, leaves and some kinds of fruit such as apples, bananas, pineapples, oranges and many other kinds of fruit, soft-drinks and decorating things depending on how much they can afford.

            On the first day of the ceremony, which is called “Moha SongKran”, people need to make some preparations for the main day of the feast. On that day, they are listening to the radio or TV and waiting for the announcement of the New Year coming and to light the pre-installed candles and incenses to welcome the New Year heavenly being, Theravada. In the morning of the same day, people prepare some foods for the venerable monks and also build some sand mounts near the pagoda temple or under the banyan tree. Then, in the evening, they come back and prepare some soft-drinks for the monks.
            The second day of the ceremony is called “Varak VanBatt”. On this is the day people pay the respect to their parents and relatives and continue the preparation for the main day. In the morning, people visit their parents or relative and give them some money or presents to show their loves and respects. In the evening, they continue their preparation on the sand mounts assume it to be a mount called “Veluka Chetey” and make some pray and dedicate the merit to their parents or ancestors who have passed away.

            The third day is the “Varak LerngSak” day. On this day, people show their loves and respects to their parents and the religion. In the morning, they invite venerable monks to dedicate the sand mount to be the real mount and then no one can touch that mount until the ceremony is finished. In the evening, people bathe and perfume the Buddha statues as well as their parents. During this new year event, people meet their parents and relatives and play the traditional games and can somehow make new bonds with new people.

            Although the Khmer New Year seems to require a lot of preparations, it is still a meaningful ceremony among those cerebrated in the country. It gives a lot of fun and the senses of respect to the people in the nationwide. It is also the identity of Cambodia. So, we Cambodians should firmly conserve and respect this good tradition of our nation and try to promote it to the world.

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