My Worst Meal Experience

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Worst Meal Experience

I believe that everyone has his/her own unforgettable experience that still haunts or amuses him/her whenever it is thought of. Some may find it so terrible that they do not want to hear or even think of, but some may find it the worst, yet amusing because it was a silly or funny one. Like those who might have such an experience, I do have my own one relating to meals that makes me giggle whenever I think of.

It was so ridiculously embarrassing that I think it was the worst meal experience I’ve ever had. When I was in high school, on the state exam days, I was staying at my brother’s house so that I could reach the exam center easily. Not only could I do that, but I also did not have to make my own meals because somebody was there to prepare them for me; and that somebody was my brother’s beautiful sister in law. Had she been close to me, I wouldn’t have been so shy; and I believe that most people have that feeling.

I was so shy that I did everything, even those with which I was familiar, in an awkward manner. I tipped over things lying on the ground. I dropped the book I was carrying. I spilt the water from the glass when I moved. Anyway, I did not have any special feeling that some might think, but I was definitely shy. These, however, were not the most terrible things yet. The most embarrassing one is when we all were having lunch together.

The more prepared I was trying to get, the more awkwardly I behaved. As soon as I got home, I was called to join the lunch. And without any delay, I changed my clothes and got ready for the big meal. There were different kinds of food laid on the table, including fried fish, roasted chicken, salads; and the most important one was the caramelized pork with eggs, my favorite food. When we were enjoying the meal, I helped myself with one of the eggs. I did not take it all from the plate, yet I tried to chop it with my spoon; but I could not. I did not know how long it was cooked, but I just knew that the egg was tougher than normal. I tried again, but this time with more force. Unfortunately, the egg jumped out of the plate and lay on the table. Everyone laughed; including me, but only awkwardly. Can you imagine that? I pretended to show that I felt nothing and took the egg away, but in fact I was totally embarrassed.

Although it was ridiculous and embarrassing at that time, it still makes me smile or even laugh now whenever I think of it. Why did such a ridiculous thing happen? I don’t know, but I just know that it was terrible to me. It amuses me now; however, I don’t want to experience such a thing again.

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