Can previous achievements affect your next task?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Causes and effects of an Achievement

Achievement is the process of achieving something. Usually, people need a lot of effort in order to accomplish their goal. Once they succeed in the target they have set, the percentage of success of achieving another task or plan will be increased. Before accomplishing the goal, people always need a lot of stuffs to fulfill the requirement of their success. There are many factors that can make us succeed in our goal; but among those factors, there are three major factors that we need for a success: they are desire, ability and confidence.

In prior to stepping forward to the goal, we need to understand about ourselves first, meaning that we must have an idea to initiate the goal and know what our desire is. Desire is very compulsory and can also be the most important factor that causes most of the successes to happen. Without desire to do things, we will not know what we are; that is, we will know neither what we need to have nor what we need to do. We will just stay still at a place without any improvement or if it is fortunate for us, the ones who have no destination or desire, we will get a very low percentage of positive change in our lives, and we will obviously get lost from our destination. For instance, if a captain of a ship does not know what his destination is or he does not want to steer his ship to a certain port, his ship will be drifting dependently heavily on the force of the wind that might push his ship to a place that he might not know, and then he will get lost and even worse he might not have chance to come back to the land he left.
Another key ingredient of the achievement of the goal is the ability. We can gain ability through the process of learning and practicing. We need to learn many things around us and keep practicing it as frequently as we can in order to strengthen it for the present and future need. When we have enough ability, we will feel that the task we are performing is very easy. We will be able to do it faster than others who do not have the ability we possess. For example, if we are a linguistic expert, we will have the ability to analyze the problem raised by people related to language faster than a mathematics expert, won’t we?

The last vital element of our goal success is confidence. Without confidence, people will feel reluctant to do everything, regardless of the sort or the level of the difficulty, and they will probably fail their tasks. How can we gain that confidence? The good answer to this question is “belief”. In order to be confident to anything, people need to believe in themselves first. They must accept what they are and always think that they can do the job. Besides this self-belief, there are also some more supplementary causes that help develop self-belief; they are: self-motivation and persuasion. When the self-belief, self-motivation and persuasion are mixed together, they will produce potential confidence that will act as a machine to push us forward to the goal.

All of the desire, ability and self-confidence mentioned above are an indicator of our success. The more desire, ability and confidence we have, the higher the percentage of success we will get. These three elements are just the requirements of our goal achievement, and the achievement itself will act as a starting point of another success. Why do we say that the achievement is the starting point of the others?
Well, this is because when we accomplish one thing, we always get a lot of experience and knowledge, and we also know clearly about the process of that success. This achievement will give us more confidence that is will be very beneficial for our next destination.

Although achievement is considered as a starting point of another achievement, this is not completely true. In fact, the ability and experience of this achievement can apply with only the task that is of the same category or some partially related tasks. As mentioned above, the achievement can help support our confidence and lets us gain a lot of experience, but it is done according to our desire and ability we own. This means that if our previous achievement and our next destination are just completely different, we cannot use it anymore. So we will need to rebuild our ability and confidence we possess. For another example, if a student has strong desire of winning a mathematics scholarship to study abroad, he or she will study hard in order to gain more knowledge and confidence which can lead him or her to the future success of his or her life. But if one day he or she decides to set another goal of being a successful soccer player he or she cannot use his or her math ability to deal with this situation, so he or she needs to take more time to develop his or her new ability and confidence relating to this objective; and he or she will see that his previous accomplishment cannot do anything positive to his or her current target.

In conclusion, we believe that the achievement is so crucial that it can be the starting point of another achievement because it helps us gain more knowledge, experience and confidence which are the moral force to push us to another success. However it cannot be generalized that all the achievements are a starting point of another achievement because not all of our goals are in the same category. So the ability and experience we get from our previous achievements will not work or help us anything if the next goal we set is of the completely different categories; and, therefore, the new ability and confidence are needed to be developed.

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