Where is your dreamed holiday site in Cambodia? -- Future Plan

Saturday, December 7, 2013

“My Dreamed Holiday Site”

Traveling is an exciting activity that most people enjoy. Whether near or far, it is always helpful for people who feel stressed; they can relax after their busy days and recover from unpleasant experience and they can even learn new things during their trip. Those who enjoy traveling always dream of a target place that they can drop by to visit and enjoy their lives during their holiday. Like those people, I am also the one who like traveling, and I also have my dreamed holiday site for my own. I like to learn new things and traveling far distance; therefore, my dreamed holiday location is set to be the Angkor Wat temple in Siem Reap province.

Angkor Wat is the one among the many of the world heritages that Cambodia inherits which makes me surprised and proud to be one of Cambodians; and thus, I would like to visit it at least once in my life, and I am sure that I will learn many new things. I am going to take advantage of my trip by spending my time enjoying and learning at the same time. I have heard that there are many special places in the Angkor complex that interest people such as the moats around the temple, the statues, especially Apsara, and many different attractions that make people feel attached and heartfelt and admire such an enormous achievement of the ancestors.

Not only am I going to visit there alone, but with my family so that they can enjoy and appreciate the heritage of the nation in the name of citizens of the country. I am going to spend around one week visiting many different places in the area and learn about the history of such a brilliant architect, and take hundreds of photos with my new Canon camera which I will have bought by the time I start my trip there. I am going to frame the best photo of my family and put it in my bedroom so that I can look at it and smile for my sweet night before going to bed.

Finding a place to stay is very important for such a plan, but that is not the case since I have already thought of the solution. I am going to book a hotel near the site I want to visit in advance so that I will not have to worry about where to stay, and another thing is that it will take short time to go back and forth from the site. Although staying in a hotel can be very expensive, it does not matter because all my plans will work only when I have already had a good job and enough saving for the spending. Neither am I going to go without any money, nor borrowing anybody to spend for such a trip. Only having my own money can I feel relaxed during my holiday trip and freely enjoy the essence of my life.

To sum up, spending a holiday somewhere interesting is really exciting and memorable for us people since we all like to experience and enjoy new things. However, we need to make a firm plan in order not to waste our time and money for a boring trip or intolerable moment we might have. Financial support should also be a subject to be considered, and I would suggest that we all try to have everything on our own: our planned location, our time, our family and our money; and then enjoy the holiday!!!

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