How Facebook Helps Me Improve My Writing

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Writing is fun, but sometimes challenging if we don't have ground information for our text. Grammar is important, but vocabulary is even more important to me personally. We use grammar to construct good sentences, and we use vocabulary to give the essence those sentences. The more advanced the grammar, the more organised and advanced the text. Plus, the more accurate the vocabulary we use, the more interesting our text is.

I have tried different methods to improve my writing; and the one that inspires me the most is "reading". I was searching over the web for how to improve writing fast. As a result, I found a phrase that was really inspiring that I always recite it to remind myself not to give up doing my work towards writing. It was "A good writer reads well. A good reader writes well."

Ever since, I started to improve my writing by reading different sources, and one of them was Facebook. Facebook is seen by many to be a dangerous social network, in terms of negligence one might have towards their real burdens other than the time spent on Facebook. Nonetheless, I still find Facebook useful for some reasons.

Not only is it an effective mean of connections, it's also a very good source of useful information. Compared to the giant Google, Facebook is just a small piece of the work in terms of the search function. However, as everyone is getting more and more interested in such a site, they start to use it as a mean of sharing too. Thus, instead of spending time browsing profiles of those gorgeous girls on Facebook, I browse such pages as CNN, BBC, Useful Info, Science Alert,... and so on. The pages I mention here have very good information for us to expand our knowledge; and they are a good source of new vocabulary too.

My friend once asked me how I improve both my writing and vocabulary so fast. I told him I read pages on Facebook. He got surprised, yet he accepted that it's a good source.

After the long time of practice and following the rule I quoted above, I start to feel that my writing is now a lot better than it was a year before. Though it's not totally accurate, I still find it usable.

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