Getting Ready To Get Involved in Essay Contests

Sunday, January 11, 2015

EU Essay Contest Winners, 2014
Till now, the European Union has conducted its essay contest twice since 2013. In the first year of the event, I was the third prize winner; and this year, I appeared first in the result list. Here, I would like to share some experience and suggestions that might be useful for those who wish to join such a competition. Grabbing an opportunity is important, but knowing our real ability before getting involved should be done first if we want to succeed. To me personally, I would get myself

Short Story

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

> The Young Love <
As a child grown up in a teacher family, Kiri was taught to love studying. He paid so much attention to his study that he didn’t seem to care much about the people around. He was a good student, yet not so friendly, especially with unfamiliar people and girls, for he was so shy and afraid of being teased by his friends and family. He hated being teased indeed because he was a child. From year to year, he focused on only his study; and that was, his grade. From primary to his secondary school, he rarely talked with girls, even when they started first. He just had nothing to say, and he didn’t want to either. But when he passed the exam to continue his high school, he changed. He just realized that he couldn’t be that way to the end of his life. He needed to be as sociable as he could. But that was not easy because it was really different from what he had been and he was not used to it.
Having passed the exam, he was so happy, and he just got ready for a life far away from home. He had his family rent a house near the school for him so that he could reach the school easily and had time to do self-study there without coming back to the family. There, in the rent house, he lived with a few of his friends from the village who were all his good friends.
The new day came; and everyone got ready to join the new term opening ceremony at the school. Kiri and his friends joined the ceremony. Not so shy like Kiri was, his friends were so brave, brave in terms of communication. And they all were so interested in girls too, the new girls at school. They were just trying to find something called “sweetheart” since the first day they were there.
After the long ceremony, the teachers told the students to find their own classes. Everyone found their names in the same class with their friends, but Kiri didn’t. This was so disappointing because his name was in a different shift from that of his friends, the evening shift. Kiri decided to ask his brother who was working as a teacher there to change the shift for him; and his brother promised to help.
Very little did Kiri know about the change process; nevertheless, he just kept going to the same class with his friends. Time flew fast and it was now the middle of the month; and the teachers started to give monthly tests. Everyone paid full attention to the study and the tests. And a few days later, five out of eleven tests had been done. Kiri and his friends got very good marks for those tests, and they were thinking of taking number one for their first month.
Things may not be as easy as they seemed to be. An unhappy thing happened again to little Kiri. During the break time, Kiri’s brother appeared.

Click here to read full story: The Young Love